When you get hurt in a car accident, the financial costs can go far beyond medical bills and property damage. You may also deal with pain, stress, and changes to your daily life that are harder to measure in the value of dollars. These types of losses are known as pain and suffering damages. They are often part of a car accident settlement and play a major role in helping you recover the full value of your claim.
At Choulos & Tsoi Law Firm, we help people seek compensation for these damages after serious accidents. Don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with our Santa Monica, CA car accident lawyer when you’re ready to discuss your case.
What Pain And Suffering Means
Pain and suffering refers to the physical pain and emotional struggles caused by an injury. This can include ongoing discomfort, mental health challenges like anxiety, and the overall impact on your ability to live as you did before the accident.
Unlike medical bills, which have clear dollar amounts, pain and suffering is more difficult to measure because it depends on your personal experience and how the injury has affected your life.
When we work with you, we take time to learn how your injuries have changed your day-to-day routine. Maybe you cannot pick up your children like you used to, or perhaps you are dealing with chronic headaches that keep you from sleeping. These are the types of details that can help support a claim for pain and suffering damages. Our experienced Santa Monica car accident attorneys can help present this information to insurance companies during the settlement process.
How Pain And Suffering Damages Are Calculated
There is no fixed formula for calculating pain and suffering in California. Instead, insurance companies and courts may consider several factors, such as the seriousness of your injuries, the length of your recovery, and the ways your life has changed since the accident.
Sometimes a method called the multiplier method is used. This involves adding up your financial damages, like medical costs and lost wages, and multiplying that number by a figure based on how severe your injuries are.
Other times, a per diem method may apply, which assigns a daily value to your suffering and multiplies it by the number of days you are affected.
Our Santa Monica car accident lawyer can help you figure out what methods may apply to your case and gather the information needed to support your claim. The goal is to seek a settlement that reflects not just your financial losses but also the real, personal effects of the accident.
Why Legal Representation Matters
Pain and suffering damages are not always easy to prove, but they are an important part of most car accident and personal injury cases. Without the right support, these losses can go undervalued in a settlement offer. That’s why working with our Santa Monica car accident lawyer can make a difference. We can help you document your injuries, explain how your life has been impacted, and push for a fair outcome.
Help Is Here When You Need It
If you have been hurt in a car accident and are dealing with pain and suffering, we are here to help you move forward. Our team at Choulos & Tsoi Law Firm is ready to review your case, discuss your options, and provide tailored legal advice. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you pursue the full compensation you deserve.